Egidio Marcato
From the Veneto region of Italy, Egidio Marcato has had a prestigious career in hospitality and hospitality education. Egido studied hotel management in Abano Terme and received a Master in Business Administration from Endicott College in the US.
He has worked for over four decades to promote the profession of hotel receptionist and co-founded the Swiss AICR competition for best receptionist known as the Bucherer Trophy. In 2015 he was appointed president of the jury for the David Campbell Trophy (world’s best receptionist award).
In recognition of his vast experience and expertise, SwissSkills appointed him Swiss expert/coach at WorldSkills and EuroSkills for the profession of hotel receptionist. In 2020, he founded his own company, the Swiss Hospitality Guild, a training centre for those wishing to excel in the art of hospitality.